Call Us : 1300 282 344


“Our mission is to be a professional service company committed to consistent excellence in performance.


To achieve this mission CUBE4 SECURITY provides clients with the highest quality service and expertise customers require.


Our ultimate goal is to have customers for life – by exceeding expectations”.

Company Background

Executive Summary

The management team at CUBE4 SECURITY offer our clients experience in all facets of security work; ranging from static and mobile patrols through to alarm responses and tactical situations including surveillance and crowd/event control.


We are an organization with skills and experience to match the biggest in the industry. Our commitment to you, our client, is to provide only the best quality service, personnel and advice to meet your needs. All our personnel have undergone the most rigorous selection process and are all fully trained, certified and capable. As a part of this procedure all staff are required to undergo a constant upgrading in their skill level.


We maintain a flexible approach to meeting your needs and will accommodate specialised requirements to ensure you always get what you want. In this regard most other companies will only offer you their service on their terms and conditions. In respect to your client base all our operatives are trained not only to provide full security awareness but also to maintain good public relations with all of your staff and most importantly your present and future customers.


As part of our commitment to improving our client service we are undergoing full integration to meet ISO 9002 standards and accreditation. Our management, team leaders and staff are currently working to this standard and we expect to be fully accredited in the very near future.


In line with these procedures we have our own requirements of continuing service upgrades (CSU) in which we continually establish specific criteria in conjunction with you for specific performance measurement and reporting appropriate to your situation.


Our aim is to provide you with cost-effective security to allow you to concentrate on your business activity with the knowledge and complete assurance that your security concerns are fully addressed in a professional manner.

“Our commitment is to achieve absolute excellence at all times”

1300 Happy Clients
1200 Qualified Employee
2100 Deal Assigned
10 Years of Experience


Company Background

CUBE4 SECURITY grew out of a perceived need in the market for a ‘user friendly’ – reasonable cost- professional provider of security services. With larger companies pricing themselves out of the market - with high overheads, bloated executive salaries and administration personnel – a genuine ‘niche’ market developed.

CUBE 4 SECURITY has been operating since 2012 & has been servicing clients in the NSW, ACT, Victoria, Perth, Queensland & South Australian regions since this time.

With modern technology CUBE4 SECURITY found itself better able to cope with customer requirements – without the high cost usually associated with a high level of professional service. With up-to-date reporting and recording methods, we have been able to provide a high standard of services. With a ‘flat’ management structure and based on a team response attitude, we have designed a security company of specialized personnel who know their job – and can meet your every expectation professionally.

The operational management team comprises the Managing Director with an Operations
Manager as deputy. Team leaders report directly to the Operations Manager.

The company has extensive experience in the area of construction sites, high-rise building systems and commercial and industrial site security.